My Philosphies
I firmly belive that there are two things
which when missed never returns to you,one is time and second is love
but atleast you can feel the intricaciesof past and review your personal achivement.
I lost my vision of foreseeing the things andI involved myself in accesing the pros and corns of a realtionship.
But you know off late I've realisedthat it's not an easy task to identify the issues involved in building up
a healthy relationship where in you feel the presence ofa person in his or her absence...
In tender age very often teenager gets
mixed up while differentiating betweenInfatuation and Love.
Infatuation is a phase where in you feelattracted towards a person for the time being,
it's not a chemistry which is there in between two peoplesbut an excusable solution to convince his or her inner beings
or rather you can call it as a one sided affair.Love is a force
which keeps you attached to a single person without a time boundationand it's camaraderie which comes into an effect
while exploring the second person or rather you can saylove happens only once in a life time.
It's a compulsion which is unhindered even by death...
When I was just a boy my mother used to tell me
that there is a God who is there within your selfand who keeps on guiding you when ever required,
so always listen to your inner voice before you make any moveand that always made me wonder that how can a single person
keeps a check on so many peoples at the same time.God has given us two hands, two legs, two eyes and two ears
because if in case one makes a wrong move, second one is there to correct it,but there is only one thing which puzzels me till this date is
why had he not given us two mind and two heart.Reason why I am raising this queastion is because
whatever we do is the result of coordination between your brain and heart.A thought is born in your mind and then from there it flows to heart,
which makes us act accordingly...So try to find the answer of my question...
Though Love comes with a very little happiness and after that a lot of sadness, still I belive everyone who born in this earth should experiance this natural thing called Love. Love is just like life, in every turn you won't find happiness, every turn will not be so easy, So when we never sacrifise our lives then why should we do that with love. Love has no terms and condition so there should not be any kind of guilt, So what if he or she don't loves you or he or she is not in this world anymore or no matter what ever the reason may is..Love never ends once it is born in your heart and if it does then it's not love, It will be called as Infatuation..That's what my philosphy about Love is.
WebMasterHimanshu Sharma
I will keep updating this site very often so keep checking some more new philosphies